crm integration

Synatic CRM and AMS Integration

More Sales, Better Service, and Greater Customer Insight
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Does your CRM have all the data it needs to properly manage customer relationships?

Synatic’s CRM and AMS Integration solution allows you to connect your applications, data, and processes through real-time integration without the need for complex coding.
If you want to boost sales within your agency and gain a competitive edge over your competition, CrossRev IQ is the solution you need.

Do These Questions Sound Familiar?

How can I empower fast and efficient data access between applications to ensure my CRM has all the data it needs to properly manage customer relationships?
How can I easily access and identify client information to determine what polices a client has and doesn't have in order to cross-sell and up-sell?
I have multiple line of business solutions. How do I move data between these solutions in order to gain a 360-degree view of my customer in my CRM
How do I avoid the pitfalls of manual data entry and find more efficient ways to integrate data between my AMS and CRM?
Effortlessly Integrate your CRM and AMS to Unlock a New World of Possibilities

Provide unmatched customer service with Seamless CRM integration

Make your producers’ and agents’ lives administratively seamless by centralizing data within your CRM, eliminating the need to bounce between multiple systems and screens to access client information.

Provide unmatched customer service with Seamless CRM integration

  • Agents will have a competitive advantage as centralized data improves speed and accuracy
  • CRM system helps you manage those relationships more effectively
  • Quickly resolving issues and addressing concerns

Ready To Go Integrations that Accelerate Time-To-Value

Synatic’s CRM Integration solution provides all of the tools needed to make the task of integrating data and applications with your CRM simpler and faster. With Synatic you can move data without limits.

Ready To Go Integrations that Accelerate Time-To-Value

  • Eliminate manual data re-entry from various systems into your CRM
  • Gives you the freedom to easily manipulate your data as you need without complex code
  • Provides you with more flexibility when building data transformations

Cross-Functional Insights and Reporting

Synatic’s CRM integration will give you insights into all aspects of your customer relationships, including sales, marketing, customer service, and even accounting and finance. This allows you to build comprehensive reports and make better decisions.

Cross-Functional Insights and Reporting

  • Less resources and time spent compiling reports
  • Limit the possibility for inaccurate reporting
  • Automated reports can help you identify trends so you can adjust your strategy accordingly
  • Produce insightful reports that can be used to power intelligent data driven decision making

Actionable Data Dashboards

Synatic’s CRM integration brings all of your data together, allowing you to build dashboards that provide real-time insights into your business. This empowers you to make quick decisions based on the most up-to-date information.

Actionable Data Dashboards

  • Complete picture of your customer relationships so you can manage them more effectively
  • Information can be used to improve your product or service offering
  • Better meet the needs of your target market
  • Gives you quick access to the information you need so you can spend less time searching for data  
Featured Case Study
Gaining valuable customer insights with Vertafore AMS360 and BenefitPoint, integrated to Salesforce

Automate Your Data Sources and Insurtechs

White Paper

The Data Integration Challenge in the Insurance Industry

Download the white paper for an in-depth look into challenges and solutions when faced with modernization and automation for the insurance industry.
